On The Edge Of Life

Release date
Music format
107,50 DKK
Inklusiv moms

Om udgivelsen

Frozen Poison is an international musical collaboration, based on Teodor Georgiev`s music and song lyrics. "On The Edge Of Life" is an album inspired by the classic hard and progressive rock traditions, where the music covers a wide palette of genre and style. All the songs in Teodor Georgiev`s Frozen Poison album, "On The Edge Of Life", are about the music, the experiences of life and the deepest emotions associated with them.

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Valget af medvirkende i projektet er ikke tilfældigt - en perfekt sammensætning af erfarende musikere, kendte fra verdens - og den nationale rock scene:
Göran Edman (Yngwie Malmsteen, John Norum) – vokal.
Christian Sanderhoff Thrane (Rasmus Birk, Bryan Adams Tribute) - bas.
Søren Kepler (Album, Fs Orlonn) – trommer.
Tony Ivan (Pantommind, Eridan) - vokal.
Jan Hansen (Uptown Funk) – keyboards.
Georgi Shopov (Fobos) – vokal.
Teodor Georgiev (Fears Unfolding, Sun&Clouds) - elektriske og akustiske guitarer, blæseinstrumenter, ekstra keyboards, bas og vokal

Track list