Laura Illeborg was born in Nørrebro, Copenhagen, in 1969. She has published 7 albums in her own name: Lyv Mig Natten Lys, Sværger og Lover, God Vagt, Det Går Tit Godt, Exitstrategi and Disse Kanter. Two with Channe Nussbaum, Illeborg & Nussbaum and Månen Ligger På Gulvet, and the album Hjertekamre with Jens Lysdahl.

Apart from these, she has participated in many other musical events and publications. Her music has been used in several Danish movies. Laura Illeborg has received Thøger Olesen’s honorary award for Månen Ligger på Gulvet and has several times been nominated for DMA Folk.

Laura Illeborg webshop