Cover til Oblivion


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Oblivion – a different take on Hammond Organ Jazz

”Oblivion” is the title of the new LP/CD by Danish Hammond player Kjeld Lauritsen. The record explores the softer side of the Hammond organ. Together with one of the most interesting contemporary Danish jazz players, pianist Henrik Gunde, he explores a territory ranging from jazz ballads to Argentinian tangos.

The rhythm section is – like Gunde – from the house band in a local church in one of the poorer area in Copenhagen. The music has spiritual and meditative overtones, without explicit religious content.

However, the release also contains a couple of bluesy tunes including the gospel-inspired tribute entitled “Canada” and jazz standard “Willow weep for me”.

The record was recorded in highest quality by master technician Thomas Vang live in the church and was mastered in Germany using the MQA-technology.

The music is released at LP and CD as “Oblivion” and to EP’s “A whiter shade of blue” and “Jazzfullness”

  • Kjeld Lauritsen - Hammond Organ
  • Henrik Gunde - Grand Piano
  • Esben Eyermann - Bass
  • Jesper Uno Kofoed - Drums

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Henrik Gunde

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Jesper Uno Kofoed